Workshop on Plato’s Metaphysics

From 27 to 30 May 2017 the Trinity Plato Centre hosted a workshop on the broad theme of Plato’s metaphysics. This event was an occasion for Professor Blake Hestir (TCU) to present some themes from his recent manuscript Plato on the Metaphysical Foundations of Meaning and Truth.


Saturday 27 May

Pauline Sabrier

Trinity Plato Centre

“The non-coreferentiality of change and rest in the gigantomachia of the Sophist: Plato’s defence of a two-kind ontology”

Jens Kristian Larsen

University of Bergen

“Differentiating philosophy from rhetoric and sophistry: the science of dialectic in the Phaedrus and the Sophist

Sunday 28 May

Blake Hestir

Texas Christian University

“Plato’s conception of propositions”

Kate Kiernan

Trinity Plato Centre

“Naming and action in the Cratylus

Monday 29 May

Vasilis Politis

Trinity College Dublin

“Unity and contradiction: Metaphysics Γ3-6 as a critical commentary on Republic VII.523a-525a”

Keith Begley

Trinity College Dublin

“How not to conceive of Heraclitean psychology”

Tuesday 30 May

David Horan

Trinity Plato Centre

“The argumentative unity of Plato’s Parmenides”